Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Life Changes, and Really Flies

you know the old adage "time flies when you're having fun"?

it is WAY too true!

so shortly after my grandma passed, and by shortly i mean about two months later, i began to have suspicions that i was pregnant again. turns out i was, and i was watched very closely to make sure everything was okay after what happened last year with Baby Angel. the hardest part for me was not being able to say anything, as this time we were for sure waiting until that first trimester was over to say anything, as a precaution. finally Christmastime came, and we made our happy announcement.

i WAS able to start school in January, and i fell in love with the program instantly. however, i missed almost two weeks of school due to illness and the girls being sick, and i decided that the already missed days plus a near two month leave of absence for maternity leave in June/July was not going to allow me to get the most out of my education, so i dropped school while my grades and attendance were still good so that i could get the family settled back down and then return to restart the program and finish it the right way when things were cool. i still talk to the girls from class, and i go to the school on a regular basis to get something done and keep up with everybody.

June came faster than i expected, and it was time to deliver. my scheduled c-section went off without a hitch, and our beautiful baby girl finally came into the world one year, three months, and four days after Angel's loss. Sandra Eileen Carolyn Gray. Baby Sandy. she is alive and kicking, and although she was the smallest of my three babies, the runt in the family, she sure is a fighter! on a side note, Haddy has a unique feature that i used to find adorable (and still do) - her left ear has a slight point to it. i call it the kiss of the leprechaun, as A. she was born on St Patty's day and B. she is more mischievous than Jaina. well, i know realize how screwed i really am, for Sandy has the same exact kiss of the leprechaun on her RIGHT ear; trouble twins! lol

so, after surviving one of the toughest years of our marriage so far, Sean and i are happy to have things settled down as we prepare for the next chapter in our lives; sending Jaina to preschool. finish potty training with her even as we start it up with Haddy, enjoying the first year of Sandy's life, as well as settling debts from dropping out of school so that i may be able to return, hopefully next winter if all goes well.

oh yeah, and i might be getting a part time job, but more on that later.... :)

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